Saturday, August 23, 2008

August Feature Artist - Angelique Price

Eternal Strength by Angelique Price Dream Weaver by Angelique Price The Healing Lily by Angelique Price Unconditional Self Knowing by Angelique Price Koi by Angelique Price
Angelique Price is the August Featured Artist for Japanfluence! First feautred here on the Japanfluece Blog, Angelique's work is so colourful and vibrant! Be sure to check out the images above on Red Bubble, In particular Eternal Strength, a beautiful piece with a phoenix and a dragon, the yin and yang animals, the male and the female.

Check out her interview here! :)

Friday, August 22, 2008

Catfish Rocket Alien

Catfish Rocket Alien, originally uploaded by tenaciousme.

I saw this one in the Street Art of Japan group on the flick!
Looks very cool, how can you not dig that Catfish Robot thing?

Sakuragicho, Yokohama, Japan.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Philadelphia Roll

Philadephia Roll, originally uploaded by aloveletteraway ♡.

Enough to make you want to convert to some sort of Sushi Religion, this is called a Philadelphia Roll, which is:
avocado, salmon, tuna with cream cheese, topped with salmon roe and black and white sesame.

I've been trying to have a bit of a food theme in the Japanfluence Group lately.... Sushi images are scarce in our Group, and we're very hungry!

I haven't heard of this one here in Australia, and like dishes such as a California Roll, unheard of in Japan. This would be considered "western sushi" and not eaten in Japan...... i think they are missing out! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

New Website Launch

New Website Launch, originally uploaded by thickblackoutline.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

too soon

too soon, originally uploaded by CRASH-candy.

absolutely gorgeous shot (and dress, i love that dress) this geisha tattoo is really inspiring for me. loving the swirly business of her kimono at the bottom.

Friday, August 1, 2008

"Cherry" on Design By Humans

Would really appreciate your support here:

Uploaded by thickblackoutline on 1 Aug 08, 9.10AM EST.